Problem Sets

Important Note: In addition to the fact that your lowest HW grade is dropped, you can also request on one occasion (only) to get an extension. You do NOT need to justify this request. It’s important, however, to send any such request to your TA rather than to me.

I plan to post all the problem sets by Friday evening a week before they are due, and earlier when possible — but warning: they are subject to change without notice. The main reason I might change them is if either the class gets out of phase with the homework or I think there is some important concept that people in the class seem to be struggling with. Your lowest grade on the HW will be dropped from your total HW grade.

  1. Homework 1: pdf file, .tex file.
  2. Homework 2: pdf file, .tex file.
  3. Homework 3: pdf file, .tex file.
  4. Homework 4: pdf file, .tex file.
  5. Homework 5: pdf file, .tex file.
  6. Homework 6: pdf file, .tex file.
  7. Homework 7: pdf file, .tex file.
  8. Homework 8: pdf file, .tex file.